The black pin on the thermostat indicates which heating level is set—that much is clear. But that’s not its only function. If you want, you can also use it to lock your heating to a certain level. This can save you money if you have children in the household who like to fiddle with the controls.
The black pin on the heater detects the controller
The market for smart radiator thermostats is booming, especially since the last energy price crisis. No wonder; after all, clever use and setup of smart home devices can rapidly reduce consumption, which is also reflected in the utility bill after a while
However, classic thermostats also have a few tricks up their sleeve that not everyone may be aware of, and that could save you a lot of money. For example, the black pin on the thermostat is not just there to show you which heating level is currently set. If you set the controller to a certain level and push the pin down, some thermostats, such as the one from Cosmo shown above, will lock the heating at this level. The heating cannot be turned up or down any further in this state. If you want to adjust the heating again, push the pin back up. Now you can use the heater freely again.
If you have children in the household, this tip may come in handy. After all, it is not uncommon for the little ones to play around with the radiator controller. If you’re not careful, you may be unlucky enough to set the heating to 5 and waste heating costs unnecessarily.
Red/blue plastic pin on the thermostat fulfills a similar function
If, on the other hand, the black pin on your thermostat is located on the rotary handle, it only serves as a limiter. If you push it upwards, i.e. towards the heating, the control cannot be set higher than this. However, you can still move the control freely between the zero position and the set limit. Good to know: You can move this pin with a little dexterity to set the limit yourself.
The blue and white and red and white plastic clips, which some people may know from their thermostats, are similar. You can use them to set a minimum and a maximum. The blue clip is usually used as a limit for the lower range, and the red one for the upper range. For example, if you always want it to be quite warm in a room, you can set the blue clip to the second level and the red clip to the fourth. If you want to remove the limit, all you need to do is move the plastic pins back down, i.e., away from the heating.
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